Sunday, November 02, 2008,

Time to blog!

My favourite forums. (Allow to talk a little)

1: Baidu Mingen bar. (my number one favourite. :) )
2: Mediacorp forum. (Just found out this place some time ago, a wonderful place!)
3: Mingen palace (mingen again, ^^v)

Mingen Bar
The first one that made me chase after forums. All the news... The blogs... The pictures... Oh. A wonderful place. :)
And defintely the place to go for a mingen fan who can read chinese. Mingen!

Mediacorp forum
The place where shows can be known before it is being showed. It is also a wonderful place. The news are defintely first hand, and many, many updates. =)

Mingen forum
Another forum about mingen. But this is a international forum, so all in english. Even though news might be a little slower, but still a nice place.
A place for mingen fans who understand english. Mingen!

(I am dying of boredom actually...) Continute posting totally inrelevent stuff that people won't read...

2009 plan (?)

movie: harry potter (the stupid movie... argh.)
Mingen supposed to be movie. (even if don't have them, i will still watch)
Shopaholic (the combination of book one and two)

drama: Shou Zhe Yang Guang Shou Zhe Ni/守着阳光守着你/Stand By Me/Protecting the sun while protecting you. (mingen third drama - china production)
Shuang Zi Xing/双子星

and o level... (the most scary and horrible one)

7:31 AM